Introductions, Introductions
Hello to the wide world of blogging! As a decently technologically saavy 20-something year old raised in Silicon Valley, CA, I am ashamed to say that this is my first venture into the modern world of blogging (ex-Xangas from junior high that is). So here goes.
The purpose of this blog is to chronicle my semi-frequent travel experiences with readers who will hopefully find my entries useful/entertaining and also receive tips and advice from fellow travelers. It is also a way for me to preserve my travel memories.
I plan to post sample itineraries of places I've traveled to, discussions of topics related to travel (controversial issues, travel accessories, useful websites and resources), reviews of hotels, restaurants, sites, etc. I also plan to include profiles of interesting places in the city I live in, New York City for now, maybe another city in a few months!
Stay tuned for my first few entries…Potential topics may include a trip outside of Manhattan to a farm-to-table dining experience, a college reunion in Vegas, sample itineraries for those visiting my hometown, the San Francisco Bay Area and useful travel apps for the iPhone, my favorite electronic device!
The purpose of this blog is to chronicle my semi-frequent travel experiences with readers who will hopefully find my entries useful/entertaining and also receive tips and advice from fellow travelers. It is also a way for me to preserve my travel memories.
I plan to post sample itineraries of places I've traveled to, discussions of topics related to travel (controversial issues, travel accessories, useful websites and resources), reviews of hotels, restaurants, sites, etc. I also plan to include profiles of interesting places in the city I live in, New York City for now, maybe another city in a few months!
Stay tuned for my first few entries…Potential topics may include a trip outside of Manhattan to a farm-to-table dining experience, a college reunion in Vegas, sample itineraries for those visiting my hometown, the San Francisco Bay Area and useful travel apps for the iPhone, my favorite electronic device!