Spring in NYC - First Central Park Visit of the Year

Spring is finally here! Growing up in California has allowed me to take gorgeous weather for granted... not anymore thanks to life in the East Coast. As quickly as Spring came, it went away again! It's currently ~50 degrees and pouring rain outside while I type.

Oh well at least the weekend was nice =P To celebrate the return of the sun and escape the city, we stripped off our black tights, put on our shorts/skirts/sundresses/rainbows and spent an afternoon in Central Park -- Manhattan's urban oasis!

What did we do there you ask?

Well I took pictures for most of the time of other people doing things (haha). We laid around, played cards, tossed the football and tanned. I also watched the crazy rollerskater/rollerdancers and a show by the AFRObats (African American acrobatic performers -- youtube video here)

Here are some photos of our day in the park!

Afterwards, we ended the day with a steaming bowl of ramen from Menkui Tei (yelp)! yum!

JessicaFood, New York City