This Little Piggy Went to the (LA Flower) Market

Ashton Kutcher at the LA Flower Market in Valentine's Day

Today is my roommate Michelle's and my friend Jenn's birthdays!  

In celebration of the day, I decided to visit the Los Angeles flower district in Downtown LA.  

I first learned about the area from Valentine's Day the movie when Ashton Kutcher goes to the LA Flower Market to buy wholesale flowers for his flower shop.

The bouquet I made from flowers from the Flower Market

I learned all the basics from Yelpers:

  • This is a wholesale flower shop, meaning no one to help you arrange flowers or choose arrangements
  • $2 entrance fee
  • Wear a sweater b/c it's like walking in a huge refrigerator
  • Walk around the entire market first, then go back to where you saw flowers you liked the most
  • There are actually two different places you can go on opposite sides of the street -- the Los Angeles Flower MARKET or the Los Angeles Flower DISTRICT.  I went to the MARKET, but there are more Yelp! reviews for the DISTRICT.  

Anyway, the experience was fun although a little daunting.  I don't know much about flowers so it was fun to see all the different kinds (photos below).  One area also specialized in tropical flowers and had all kinds of things I didn't know existed.  Prices are all posted, so I don't think you have to worry about getting ripped off because you're a newbie or anything.  But like I said above, you don't get any help, so just grab the ones you like, bring them to the respective booth/counter and pay for them.  They will wrap them up in newspapers and make sure they won't get ruined in transportation and that's about it!

I ended up with 2 bunches of spider mums, 1 huge bunch of hybrid purple lillies, and 1 huge bunch of tall stiff greens for only $22 -- enough for a bouquet for Michelle AND Jenn!  I will definitely be coming back here soon =)  

Enjoy the photos and check it out for yourself!  I've repeated the info and a map at the end of this post.

These flowers were as tall as me!  Guess that may not be THAT tall...

This woman makes arrangements out of moss vases and cactus plants.  You only have to water them once a month.  Great Mother's Day gift if you're interested!

They look like pineapples... are they pineapples??

Look it's a mini one!

The Los Angeles Flower Market

Yelp Reviews

  • This is a wholesale flower shop, meaning no one to help you arrange flowers or choose arrangements
  • $2 entrance fee
  • Wear a sweater b/c it's like walking in a huge refrigerator
  • Walk around the entire market first, then go back to where you saw flowers you liked the most
  • There are actually two different places you can go on opposite sides of the street -- the Los Angeles Flower MARKET or the Los Angeles Flower DISTRICT.  I went to the MARKET, but there are more Yelp! reviews for the DISTRICT.  Same concept at each I believe ($2 fee, etc.)