Jessica's NYC Bucket List

Today, I booked my one way plane ticket from JFK to LAX.

Yes, everyone, I am moving to Los Angeles!

I will be starting graduate school in the fall and begin my life in LA this summer (after a three week vacation in Spain and Italy -- details to come later =P). This is going to be a very big change, both in terms of location and lifestyle, but I am very excited!

When the prospect of moving first came up, I realized that there were still so many things I wanted to do in New York. In my usual form, I started a list -- a New York bucket list to be exact and began crossing things off!* Below is the list I started in February. I've done a lot of things on it (thanks to my awesome friends and wonderful boyfriend), but there are still some things left. I don't anticipate finishing it all though, because I plan to visit a lot and want to keep some things for my future visits =)

* Most of my coworkers would say though, that ever since I moved to New York, I've been checking off my "New York Bucket List" since I always planned on moving back to California. I would say though that I think this is not a bad way to live, since it pushed me to do all the things I've wanted to do, instead of saving it for next month, next summer or someday.

From wandering around 5th Avenue for Fashion's Night Out to dining with super stars Jay Z and Beyonce at Michelin starred Le Bernardin to trying all the food trucks that my stomach can handle and taking my friends around when they visit to see all the sights and eat all the foods, I know I've made some wonderful memories during my time here and I know that I will never forget the people (you know who you are =) and the city that made my three years here so great.

With friends during our first summer in NYC

So, New York, this is goodbye for now, but not forever! 


Jessica's New York Bucket List



Please let me know if there are any other things I should add to my list!